Pinnacle TimingWNHTRS - Dirty 5K - Overall - 2022Pinnacle Timing Logo
WNHTRS - Dirty 5K - Overall - 2022
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Age Groups
                            Dirty 5K Trail Race

May 8, 2022                                        Bernice Ray School, Hanover, NH
Presented by Western NH Trail Running Series       Results:

                       *****  OVERALL RESULTS  *****

Place Div/Tot  Div     Age Race# Name                        Hometown                Time    Pace     
===== ======== ======= === ===== =========================== ======================= ======= ===== 
    1   1/6    M3039    34   106 Brent Trail                 Whitefield NH             19:59  6:26 
    2   1/2    M1519    18    45 Zedekiah McNaughton         Weathersfield VT          21:12  6:50 
    3   1/4    M2029    22   115 Spencer Keating             West Lebanon NH           21:29  6:55 
    4   2/6    M3039    35   124 Mark Johnson                Etna NH                   21:36  6:57 
    5   3/6    M3039    34    96 Christopher Bustard         Lebanon NH                23:11  7:28 
    6   1/2    M1214    12   104 Isaac McNaughton            Perkinsville VT           24:25  7:52 
    7   2/4    M2029    26    54 Benjamin Platt              Manchester NH             25:19  8:09 
    8   3/4    M2029    28   134 Dario Seyb                  Springfield VT            26:29  8:32 
    9   1/6    M5059    54   108 Greg Lange                  Lyme NH                   26:47  8:37 
   10   1/10   M4049    49   105 Andrew Jones                Enfield NH                26:55  8:40 
   11   2/6    M5059    58     3 Kevin Pascoe                Wilmot NH                 27:16  8:47 
   12   3/6    M5059    52   111 Geoff Dunbar                Hanover NH                27:33  8:52 
   13   1/12   M0111    11    85 Bear Brooks                 Hanover NH                27:46  8:57 
   14   1/8    F3039    33   123 Hannah Watkins              Etna NH                   27:49  8:58 
   15   2/12   M0111     9    86 Gus Brooks                  Hanover NH                28:00  9:01 
   16   4/6    M5059    54    16 Scott Daniels               Concord NH                28:05  9:03 
   17   3/12   M0111    11   118 Dylan Faris                 Hanover NH                28:20  9:07 
   18   1/9    F5059    50   109 Heidi Lange                 Lyme NH                   28:27  9:10 
   19   4/12   M0111    11   140 Christopher Schembri        Hanover NH                28:47  9:16 
   20   1/4    F1519    15    44 Myra McNaughton             Weathersfield VT          29:18  9:26 
   21   5/6    M5059    52    83 David Rowell                Sunapee NH                29:28  9:30 
   22   1/3    M6069    62   117 Douglas Moore               Lebanon NH                29:59  9:39 
   23   2/4    F1519    17   102 Dory Hindinger              Perkinsville VT           30:17  9:45 
   24   2/10   M4049    44    47 Nathan McNaughton           Weathersfield VT          30:25  9:48 
   25   1/23   F4049    43    36 Sarah McBride               Lyme NH                   30:25  9:48 
   26   2/23   F4049    48     1 Lisa Colgan                 Grantham NH               30:35  9:51 
   27   1/1    F6069    60   116 Janet Moore                 Lebanon NH                30:57  9:58 
   28   3/23   F4049    41    69 Gillian Sowden              Etna NH                   31:30 10:09 
   29   3/10   M4049    47    41 Bob Myers                   Woodstock VT              31:44 10:13 
   30   4/23   F4049    44    68 Lily Trajman                Norwich VT                31:52 10:16 
   31   4/10   M4049    41   103 Ethan McNaughton            Perkinsville VT           32:01 10:19 
   32   5/23   F4049    45    51 Brie Swenson                Norwich VT                32:01 10:19 
   33   2/8    F3039    37    43 Stephanie Papas             Lebanon NH                32:08 10:21 
   34   6/23   F4049    44    53 Alesha Forget               Newbury NH                32:14 10:23 
   35   2/9    F5059    51   110 Nancy Dunbar                Hanover NH                32:22 10:25 
   36   1/7    F0111    10   126 Julia Welch                 Hanover NH                32:30 10:28 
   37   3/8    F3039    35    34 Patricia Atchinson          Lebanon NH                32:34 10:29 
   38   3/4    F1519    18    42 Morgan Myers                Woodstock VT              32:49 10:34 
   39   6/6    M5059    51   101 David Hindinger             Perkinsville VT           33:18 10:43 
   40   1/8    F2029    20    63 Elizabeth Adams             Hanover NH                33:23 10:45 
   41   5/12   M0111    10    14 Rocky Bardach               Norwich VT                33:25 10:46 
   42   5/10   M4049    40    50 David Bardach               Norwich VT                33:25 10:46 
   43   2/3    M6069    68    25 Jerome McDougle             Walpole NH                33:42 10:51 
   44   2/8    F2029    25    73 Ali Moore                   West Lebanon NH           33:55 10:55 
   45   7/23   F4049    44    46 Marina Wood-Mcnaughton      Springfield VT            34:33 11:08 
   46   4/4    F1519    16    91 Mikayla Myers               Woodstock VT              34:35 11:08 
   47   1/2    F1214    12    52 Beatrice Swenson            Norwich VT                35:06 11:18 
   48   4/6    M3039    36   128 Brett Sowerby               Lebanon NH                35:37 11:28 
   49   5/6    M3039    39    99 Eric Diven                  Quechee VT                35:43 11:30 
   50   6/10   M4049    45   130 Ethan Pope                  Sharon VT                 35:52 11:33 
   51   8/23   F4049    43    76 Sarah Roane                 Norwich VT                35:54 11:34 
   52   2/2    M1214    12    13 Yosh Bardach                Norwich VT                36:00 11:35 
   53   3/8    F2029    20    62 Neha Agarwal                Hanover NH                36:04 11:37 
   54   9/23   F4049    45    15 Alexis Jeannotte            Webster NH                36:13 11:40 
   55   2/2    F1214    13   131 Coral Pope                  Sharon VT                 36:14 11:40 
   56   1/1    M7099    72    95 Jack Fortier                Laconia NH                36:19 11:42 
   57   6/12   M0111    10   113 Ian Bick                    Etna NH                   36:21 11:42 
   58   2/2    M1519    18    97 Abass Issaka                Weathersfield VT          36:25 11:44 
   59  10/23   F4049    40    49 Shani Bardach               Norwich VT                36:30 11:45 
   60   4/4    M2029    26    79 Tyler Dempsey               Loudon NH                 36:32 11:46 
   61   3/3    M6069    61    23 John Murphy                 Grantham NH               36:34 11:47 
   62   3/9    F5059    52    65 Jody Luciw                  South Royalton VT         36:49 11:51 
   63   4/9    F5059    57    55 Jan Platt                   Manchester NH             37:04 11:56 
   64   4/8    F3039    35   114 Chelsea D'Aprile            Hanover NH                37:25 12:03 
   65   4/8    F2029    21   127 Verena Kunz                 Hanover NH                38:18 12:20 
   66   5/9    F5059    52     7 Laurie Hanks                Grantham NH               38:18 12:20 
   67  11/23   F4049    49     8 Francine Scheller           Grantham NH               38:26 12:22 
   68   6/9    F5059    51    21 Heather Toulmin             Etna NH                   38:54 12:31 
   69   5/8    F3039    39   132 Alison Grogan               Grantham NH               38:58 12:33 
   70  12/23   F4049    43   125 Marnie Welch                Hanover NH                38:58 12:33 
   71  13/23   F4049    43    98 Bree Carlson                Quechee VT                39:02 12:34 
   72  14/23   F4049    42    82 Amanda Couitt               Newport NH                39:03 12:34 
   73   7/10   M4049    48   119 Thomas Whipple              Springfield VT            40:12 12:57 
   74   2/7    F0111    10   120 Janey Whipple               Springfield VT            40:34 13:04 
   75   5/8    F2029    28    60 Brittany Lyon               Orford NH                 40:35 13:04 
   76  15/23   F4049    42    11 Leah Belanger               Hillsborough NH           40:38 13:05 
   77   8/10   M4049    41    12 Joshua Robert               Hillsborough NH           40:38 13:05 
   78   6/8    F3039    37    38 Jerusha Haasenritter        Derry NH                  41:19 13:18 
   79   7/9    F5059    57     9 Martha Doelle               Enfield NH                41:19 13:18 
   80   6/6    M3039    33     6 David Davis                 Dorchester NH             42:07 13:34 
   81  16/23   F4049    43   107 Rachael McMillan            Lebanon NH                42:11 13:35 
   82   3/7    F0111    10   136 Lilana Chomko               Hanover NH                42:24 13:39 
   83   7/12   M0111     6   139 Cooper Jasper               Etna NH                   42:30 13:41 
   84  17/23   F4049    40   138 Marisa Jasper               Etna NH                   42:31 13:41 
   85   6/8    F2029    28    67 Marge Rogers                Roxbury VT                42:35 13:43 
   86   8/9    F5059    59    75 Ginger Roper                Chester VT                42:36 13:43 
   87   9/9    F5059    53   100 Susan Hindinger             Perkinsville VT           45:13 14:34 
   88   7/8    F2029    23    74 Molly Nesselrodt            West Lebanon NH           45:39 14:42 
   89   4/7    F0111    10    88 Cora Swenson                Norwich VT                45:47 14:44 
   90   8/8    F2029    25   133 Grace Chin                  Springfield VT            45:51 14:46 
   91   5/7    F0111    10    77 Evie Roane                  Norwich VT                46:13 14:53 
   92   7/8    F3039    34    26 Shelby Wood                 Springfield NH            46:13 14:53 
   93  18/23   F4049    42    30 Michele Spotts              East Thetford VT          46:29 14:58 
   94  19/23   F4049    44   129 Estelle Pope                Sharon VT                 46:34 15:00 
   95   1/1    F7099    72   112 Judy Payne                  Hanover NH                48:21 15:34 
   96   8/8    F3039    37    27 Lisa Stevens                Brownsville VT            49:43 16:00 
   97   9/10   M4049    43    84 Gabriel Brooks              Hanover NH                53:05 17:05 
   98   8/12   M0111     6    87 Jude Brooks                 Hanover NH                53:19 17:10 
   99   9/12   M0111     8   121 Everett Whipple             Springfield VT            53:23 17:11 
  100  20/23   F4049    48   122 Patricia Reixach            Springfield VT            53:40 17:17 
  101  10/10   M4049    40   137 Dan Chomko                  Hanover NH                56:42 18:15 
  102  10/12   M0111     7   135 Jack Chomko                 Hanover NH                56:44 18:16 
  103  11/12   M0111     8    92 Max Myers                   Woodstock VT              57:59 18:40 
  104  12/12   M0111     8    93 Mason Myers                 Woodstock VT              58:00 18:40 
  105  21/23   F4049    47    90 Tammy Myers                 Woodstock VT              58:19 18:47 
  106  22/23   F4049    44    80 Cindy Dempsey               Loudon NH                 59:37 19:12 
  107   6/7    F0111     7    71 Nadja Johnson               Gilmanton NH            1:03:20 20:23 
  108   7/7    F0111     6    72 Thalia Johnson              Gilmanton NH            1:03:25 20:25 
  109  23/23   F4049    40    70 Tatianna Wawrzynski         Gilmanton NH            1:03:28 20:26 
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