Pinnacle TimingHurricane Hill 5K/10K - Overall - 2023Pinnacle Timing Logo
Hurricane Hill 5K/10K - Overall - 2023
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                  WNHTRS - Hurricane Hill 5K/10 Trail Run

August 26, 2023                                                       Hartford VT
Presented by Hartford Parks and Recreation Dept

                     *****  10K OVERALL RESULTS  *****

Place Div/Tot  Div     Age Race# Name                        Hometown                Time      Pace     
===== ======== ======= === ===== =========================== ======================= ========= ===== 
    1   1/10   M3039    36   142 Brent Trail                 Whitefield NH           0:40:57.5  6:36 
    2   2/10   M3039    34    86 Ben Taska                   Barre VT                0:43:01.0  6:56 
    3   1/17   M4049    42    32 Isaac Trudeau               Lebanon NH              0:45:02.5  7:15 
    4   1/4    M2029    23   144 Ben Haefner                 Alstead NH              0:47:08.1  7:36 
    5   3/10   M3039    30   359 Liam MacAllister            South Sutton NH         0:49:38.3  8:00 
    6   2/4    M2029    29   361 Tristan Smith               Newport NH              0:49:53.9  8:02 
    7   2/17   M4049    43   150 Randy Patrick               Spofford NH             0:51:30.3  8:18 
    8   3/17   M4049    44    74 Jeremy Mikecz               Lebanon NH              0:51:34.5  8:18 
    9   4/10   M3039    38   141 Asha Zimmerman              Enfield NH              0:52:23.8  8:26 
   10   1/12   M5059    50   140 Sean Meissner               Perkinsville VT         0:52:44.4  8:30 
   11   1/3    M0111    11    35 Ethan Trudeau               Lebanon NH              0:53:15.4  8:35 
   12   1/12   F3039    33   102 Ruth Addante                Norwich VT              0:53:16.1  8:35 
   13   2/12   F3039    36   147 Hannah Tasko                Thetford Center VT      0:53:26.0  8:36 
   14   4/17   M4049    43    41 Benjamin Chan               Lebanon NH              0:53:50.0  8:40 
   15   3/12   F3039    38    99 Catherine Denny             Norwich VT              0:54:57.0  8:51 
   16   1/2    M1519    18   143 Braden Haefner              Alstead NH              0:55:07.2  8:53 
   17   1/3    M1214    14    30 Matthias Schaefer           White River Jct VT      0:55:15.9  8:54 
   18   5/17   M4049    47   137 Jimmy Wu                    Hanover NH              0:55:43.6  8:59 
   19   2/12   M5059    59    42 Kevin Pascoe                Wilmot NH               0:56:04.9  9:02 
   20   3/12   M5059    59    96 Jim Westrich                Norwich VT              0:56:17.1  9:04 
   21   4/12   M5059    57   134 Michael Vecchiarelli        White River Jct VT      0:56:57.0  9:10 
   22   1/2    F2029    24    39 Addison Thomas              White River Jct VT      0:57:41.8  9:18 
   23   3/4    M2029    27    37 Doug Beahm                  West Lebanon NH         0:58:04.4  9:21 
   24   5/12   M5059    50    26 James Holl                  Sutton NH               0:58:13.4  9:23 
   25   6/17   M4049    42   360 Grant Fortier               Concord NH              0:58:19.3  9:24 
   26   2/2    M1519    17     6 John Murphy 4th             Grantham NH             0:58:25.5  9:25 
   27   5/10   M3039    39   127 John Pomeroy                Lebanon NH              0:58:26.7  9:25 
   28   6/10   M3039    30   128 Jesse Rodimon               Bradford VT             0:59:30.8  9:35 
   29   6/12   M5059    53    60 Peter Cosco                 Norwich VT              0:59:33.2  9:36 
   30   2/3    M1214    13   108 Jesse Yosh Bardach          Norwich VT              0:59:33.5  9:36 
   31   3/3    M1214    13    34 Oliver Trudeau              Lebanon NH              0:59:34.3  9:36 
   32   1/10   F4049    46    98 Erin Salcone                Norwich VT              0:59:56.9  9:39 
   33   7/10   M3039    37    88 Blake Magner                Barre VT                1:00:01.2  9:40 
   34   1/6    M6069    62   357 Tom Moore                   Grantham NH             1:00:13.9  9:42 
   35   4/12   F3039    39    33 Rebecca Trudeau             Lebanon NH              1:01:09.5  9:51 
   36   7/17   M4049    44    91 Jason Lemire                White River Jct VT      1:01:11.6  9:51 
   37   8/17   M4049    41   100 Benjamin Ross               Hanover NH              1:01:34.5  9:55 
   38   2/10   F4049    49   130 Helene Sisti                White River Jct VT      1:02:47.9 10:07 
   39   9/17   M4049    44  1058 Brice Hennelly              Watertown MA            1:02:53.3 10:08 
   40  10/17   M4049    45    13 Jamie Gillon                Hillsborough NH         1:03:17.0 10:12 
   41   2/6    M6069    64    89 Dan Collison                Hanover NH              1:03:26.3 10:13 
   42   5/12   F3039    39    87 Kristina Siladi             Perkinsville VT         1:03:33.8 10:14 
   43   6/12   F3039    30    90 Kaitlin McGowan             Lebanon NH              1:03:37.2 10:15 
   44   8/10   M3039    34   103 John Kuiper                 Lebanon NH              1:04:16.3 10:21 
   45  11/17   M4049    42    53 Joshua Dikeman              Springfield VT          1:05:48.8 10:36 
   46   3/6    M6069    69    38 Jerome McDougle             Walpole NH              1:05:54.3 10:37 
   47   7/12   F3039    39   146 Patrice Mahoney             Andover NH              1:06:03.9 10:38 
   48   4/4    M2029    25    97 Eli Snelling                Hanover NH              1:06:05.8 10:39 
   49   8/12   F3039    35    44 Emily Potter                Middlesex VT            1:06:10.2 10:39 
   50   3/10   F4049    44    16 Sarah McBride               Lyme NH                 1:06:20.4 10:41 
   51   2/3    M0111    11  1071 Raphael Bardach             Norwich VT              1:06:53.5 10:46 
   52  12/17   M4049    45    85 Andrew Hague                Brooklyn NY             1:06:59.1 10:47 
   53   7/12   M5059    53   110 Geoff Dunbar                Hanover NH              1:06:59.3 10:47 
   54  13/17   M4049    42    83 Seth Hisman                 South Royalton VT       1:07:57.3 10:57 
   55   4/6    M6069    61   139 John Lacrosse               Hanover NH              1:07:58.7 10:57 
   56   3/3    M0111     8    36 Andre Trudeau               Lebanon NH              1:08:21.8 11:01 
   57   5/6    M6069    66    68 Darrel Lasell               Williamstown VT         1:08:39.7 11:03 
   58   4/10   F4049    42   148 Emily Rinde-Thorsen         Grantham NH             1:08:42.9 11:04 
   59   1/2    M7099    74   149 Walter Fortier              Concord NH              1:08:44.4 11:04 
   60   9/12   F3039    39    59 Elizabeth Bourne            Riverton CT             1:09:00.6 11:07 
   61  14/17   M4049    42    58 Jeffrey Scarcella           Tariffville CT          1:09:00.9 11:07 
   62   8/12   M5059    50    17 Daniel Chamberlain          Hanover NH              1:09:07.5 11:08 
   63  10/12   F3039    38   101 Stephanie Papas             Lebanon NH              1:09:43.0 11:14 
   64   9/12   M5059    50    57 James Aiken                 Manchester NH           1:10:26.3 11:21 
   65   2/2    M7099    79    51 Jonathan Chaffee            West Lebanon NH         1:11:25.1 11:30 
   66   6/6    M6069    62     5 John Murphy                 Grantham NH             1:11:40.3 11:33 
   67   9/10   M3039    31   363 Matt Paige                  Keene NH                1:12:02.2 11:36 
   68  10/10   M3039    38   145 Andrew Avery                Lebanon NH              1:12:02.7 11:36 
   69  10/12   M5059    55    93 Yusaku Horiuchi             Hanover NH              1:12:25.6 11:40 
   70   5/10   F4049    41  1082 Shani Bardach               Norwich VT              1:13:10.2 11:47 
   71   1/4    F5059    58    46 Peg Bastien                 Warner NH               1:13:17.3 11:48 
   72  11/12   M5059    59     2 Will Naser                  Milford NH              1:13:22.7 11:49 
   73  15/17   M4049    42    14 Joshua Robert               Hillsboro NH            1:15:21.5 12:08 
   74   2/4    F5059    53     8 Laurie Hanks                Grantham NH             1:15:43.6 12:12 
   75   3/4    F5059    53    12 Lori Hill                   Enfield NH              1:16:20.5 12:18 
   76  11/12   F3039    33    76 Ramsey Steiner              Lebanon NH              1:16:27.3 12:19 
   77   6/10   F4049    41   362 Kimberly Allen              Lyme NH                 1:16:47.9 12:22 
   78  16/17   M4049    49   136 Sean Wolfe                  Lebanon NH              1:18:19.7 12:37 
   79  12/12   F3039    38   104 Jacqueleen Albanese         White River Jct VT      1:18:41.9 12:40 
   80   7/10   F4049    40    92 Sarah Swanson               Lebanon NH              1:19:30.1 12:48 
   81  12/12   M5059    59    19 Charles Morgan              Lebanon NH              1:25:55.3 13:50 
   82   8/10   F4049    44    25 Jennifer Holl               Sutton NH               1:27:32.0 14:06 
   83   4/4    F5059    50     9 Francine Scheller           Grantham NH             1:28:49.8 14:18 
   84   9/10   F4049    43    15 Leah Belanger               Hillsboro NH            1:28:50.1 14:18 
   85   2/2    F2029    29    66 Laura Goodale               Lebanon NH              1:29:58.2 14:29 
   86   1/2    F6069    61   124 Julia Neily                 Lebanon NH              1:37:07.8 15:38 
   87   2/2    F6069    64    67 Cheryl Lasell               Williamstown VT         1:42:23.3 16:29 
   88  10/10   F4049    44    40 Loni Allen                  Hillsborough NH         1:42:35.1 16:31 
   89  17/17   M4049    41   107 David Bardach               Norwich VT              1:42:36.7 16:31 

                                                       ********** 5K **********

                  WNHTRS - Hurricane Hill 5K/10 Trail Run

August 26, 2023                                                       Hartford VT
Presented by Hartford Parks and Recreation Dept

                     *****  5K OVERALL RESULTS  *****

Place Div/Tot  Div     Age Race# Name                        Hometown                Time      Pace     
===== ======== ======= === ===== =========================== ======================= ========= ===== 
    1   1/4    M1519    15  1069 Tate Hayman                 Plymouth NH             0:20:39.0  6:39 
    2   1/5    M4049    47  1091 Colin Smith                 Lebanon NH              0:25:13.1  8:08 
    3   2/5    M4049    49  1070 Tim Hayman                  Plymouth NH             0:27:26.2  8:50 
    4   2/4    M1519    15  1090 Alistair Smith              Lebanon NH              0:27:58.2  9:01 
    5   1/5    F3039    32  1076 Elsa Voytas                 Hanover NH              0:28:46.8  9:16 
    6   3/5    M4049    46  1095 Tom Hermanson               Grantham NH             0:29:51.3  9:37 
    7   2/5    F3039    38  1093 Nina Petrochko              Lebanon NH              0:30:18.8  9:46 
    8   4/5    M4049    40  1075 Miguel Barrera              Hanover NH              0:30:55.0  9:58 
    9   1/2    M3039    32  1060 Jesse Kail                  Brattleboro VT          0:31:03.1 10:00 
   10   3/4    M1519    15  1079 Jacobi Marotti              Norwich VT              0:31:18.8 10:05 
   11   1/1    M1214    13  1098 Sebastian Marotti           Norwich VT              0:32:16.1 10:24 
   12   1/1    M5059    51   358 Andrew Ackerman             Wilmot NH               0:32:39.2 10:31 
   13   5/5    M4049    45  1078 Jonathan Marotti            Norwich VT              0:33:30.4 10:48 
   14   1/2    M6069    62  1059 Anthony Sgherza             Cabot VT                0:34:55.4 11:15 
   15   1/4    F0111    11  1067 Raeka Mikecz                Lebanon NH              0:35:25.2 11:25 
   16   1/1    M7099    74  1064 John Valentine              Roxbury VT              0:36:47.5 11:51 
   17   1/1    M2029    29    95 Joshua Barlow               Lebanon NH              0:37:05.3 11:57 
   18   1/1    F1214    12  1089 Victoria Pomeroy            Lebanon NH              0:37:15.4 12:00 
   19   3/5    F3039    33  1073 Morgan Durfee               Quechee VT              0:37:38.1 12:07 
   20   1/1    F1519    15  1100 Payson Fowler-Thorsen       Grantham NH             0:37:42.3 12:09 
   21   1/3    F4049    44  1074 Erica Ennis                 Quechee VT              0:39:20.8 12:40 
   22   4/5    F3039    35   112 Kristen Esty                Hartford VT             0:39:26.8 12:42 
   23   1/2    F2029    29     7 Joanna Paige                Keene NH                0:39:42.5 12:47 
   24   1/5    F5059    54  1077 Chizuko Horiuchi            Hanover NH              0:40:29.5 13:02 
   25   2/4    F0111     8  1068 Nayra Mikecz                Lebanon NH              0:41:45.0 13:27 
   26   2/2    F2029    27  1061 Ollie Oliver                Bellows Falls VT        0:42:06.9 13:34 
   27   5/5    F3039    32  1080 Daniele Gold                Brooklyn NY             0:42:21.9 13:39 
   28   3/4    F0111     9  1099 Evans Fowler-Thorsen        Grantham NH             0:42:30.4 13:41 
   29   2/3    F4049    49   114 Katie Faris                 Hanover NH              0:43:26.1 13:59 
   30   2/2    M3039    38  1087 Palaniappan Nagappan        Lebanon NH              0:43:27.4 14:00 
   31   2/2    M6069    60    94 James King                  Lebanon NH              0:44:40.9 14:23 
   32   2/5    F5059    56    63 Sarah Lannon                Greenbush MA            0:48:40.6 15:41 
   33   3/5    F5059    59    72 Lorraine Fano               Pembroke MA             0:48:41.7 15:41 
   34   4/5    F5059    55    62 Jennifer Mearls             Plymouth MA             0:48:47.1 15:43 
   35   4/4    M1519    15  1096 Ollie Hermanson             Grantham NH             0:48:50.9 15:44 
   36   4/4    F0111     9  1097 Juliet Hermanson            Grantham NH             0:49:18.5 15:53 
   37   3/3    F4049    47  1094 Karen Hermanson             Grantham NH             0:49:28.8 15:56 
   38   5/5    F5059    54  1066 Erin Rogers                 Plainfeild NH           1:02:17.6 20:03 
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