Pinnacle TimingFrenzy In The Forest - overall - 2021Pinnacle Timing Logo
Frenzy In The Forest - overall - 2021
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Age Groups
                           Frenzy In The Forest
                            WNHTRS - 4.5 Miles
July 17, 2021                                        Harding Hill, Sunapee, NH
Presented by Sunapee MHS - Athletic Leadership Council

                       *****  OVERALL RESULTS  *****

Place Div/Tot  Div     Age Race# Name                        Hometown                Time    Pace     
===== ======== ======= === ===== =========================== ======================= ======= ===== 
    1   1/7    M1519    16    87 Tommy Wolfe                 Grantham NH               30:05  6:41 
    2   2/7    M1519    17    34 Zed McNaughton              Springfield VT            30:05  6:41 
    3   1/3    M2029    25    14 Logan Foster                Hampstead NH              30:30  6:47 
    4   1/19   M4049    45    41 Justin Montgomery           Grantham NH               31:08  6:56 
    5   2/19   M4049    47    90 Ryan Twomey                 Plymouth NH               31:14  6:57 
    6   3/7    M1519    15    95 Eli Lemire                  Weare NH                  31:53  7:06 
    7   4/7    M1519    16    58 Benjamin Tetu               Walpole NH                31:56  7:06 
    8   3/19   M4049    49   223 Brook Mullens               Lanuau Switzerland        32:08  7:09 
    9   1/4    M3039    37    96 Joshua Lasky                Washington DC             32:12  7:10 
   10   1/8    F1519    18   221 Fiona Picone                Ashburnham MA             32:14  7:10 
   11   2/4    M3039    37    92 Kevin Ellis                 Richmond NH               32:23  7:12 
   12   4/19   M4049    45    50 Brent Perdrizet             Norwich VT                32:27  7:13 
   13   5/19   M4049    43    48 Gregory Parthum             New London NH             32:52  7:19 
   14   6/19   M4049    40    57 Bradley Tetu                Walpole NH                34:01  7:34 
   15   1/5    F2029    20   224 Isabel Mullens              Boston MA                 35:16  7:51 
   16   7/19   M4049    44    94 Scott Lemire                Weare NH                  35:55  7:59 
   17   1/12   M5059    51     5 Todd Caruso                 Lebanon NH                37:03  8:14 
   18   8/19   M4049    41   228 Michael Day                 Concord NH                37:16  8:17 
   19   2/12   M5059    58   100 Brian Stevens               New Boston NH             38:23  8:32 
   20   3/4    M3039    35    27 Marcus Lane                 Lebanon NH                38:52  8:38 
   21   2/8    F1519    15   230 Haley Kavanagh              Durham NH                 39:04  8:41 
   22   3/12   M5059    57    49 Kevin Pascoe                Wilmot NH                 39:10  8:43 
   23   3/8    F1519    17    20 Isabella Hastings           Grantham NH               39:54  8:52 
   24   4/12   M5059    53   219 Chris Picone                Ashburnham MA             40:19  8:58 
   25   1/11   F4049    45    56 Beth Sprague                New London NH             40:23  8:59 
   26   9/19   M4049    46    44 Bob Myers                   Woodstock VT              40:34  9:01 
   27   1/5    M6069    68    99 Dick Jardine                New Boston NH             40:41  9:03 
   28   2/11   F4049    41    40 Jana Montgomery             Grantham NH               40:42  9:03 
   29   1/3    F3039    34   231 Rachel Casanata             Concord NH                40:44  9:03 
   30  10/19   M4049    44   235 Brad McDonald               Natick MA                 41:00  9:07 
   31   2/5    M6069    60    42 Tom Moore                   Grantham NH               41:17  9:11 
   32   5/7    M1519    15   232 Jack Wilkinson              Norwich VT                41:35  9:15 
   33   3/5    M6069    67    30 Jerome McDougle             Walpole NH                42:24  9:26 
   34   5/12   M5059    54   237 Scott Ellison               New London NH             42:26  9:26 
   35   6/12   M5059    55     1 Brian Arsenault             Hudson NH                 42:50  9:31 
   36   2/3    M2029    21   238 Ben Gates                   Renton WA                 42:53  9:32 
   37   1/2    M7099    72    12 Walter Fortier              Concord NH                43:19  9:38 
   38   3/11   F4049    47     7 Lisa Colgan                 Grantham NH               43:32  9:41 
   39   2/5    F2029    22   236 Veronica Winham             Meriden NH                43:36  9:42 
   40   1/3    F0111    11    36 Ada McNaughton              Springfield VT            43:49  9:45 
   41   4/8    F1519    19    89 Madeline Wolfe              Grantham NH               45:04 10:01 
   42   6/7    M1519    16   234 Tanner Ames                 Grantham NH               45:17 10:04 
   43   7/7    M1519    19   240 Jack Gates                  Renton WA                 45:32 10:08 
   44   7/12   M5059    54    25 Robert Kenefick             Goshen NH                 45:52 10:12 
   45   1/3    M0111    10    91 Jackson Ellis               Richmond NH               45:54 10:12 
   46   8/12   M5059    53    11 Michael Dube                Concord NH                46:14 10:17 
   47   4/11   F4049    47   247 Kara Hayes                  Andover NH                46:20 10:18 
   48   1/7    F5059    56    47 Tina Naimie                 Wilmot NH                 46:22 10:19 
   49   9/12   M5059    58    46 Christopher Naimie          Wilmot NH                 46:23 10:19 
   50  11/19   M4049    46   233 Jonathan Ames               Grantham NH               46:27 10:20 
   51  10/12   M5059    55    86 Thomas Parker               Nashua NH                 46:40 10:23 
   52   2/3    F3039    31   239 Jenna Peterson              Nashua NH                 48:14 10:43 
   53   2/7    F5059    55   218 Beth Stevens                New Boston NH             48:17 10:44 
   54   3/3    M2029    27   226 Dario Seyb                  Springfield VT            48:20 10:45 
   55   3/7    F5059    56   227 Janice Platt                Manchester NH             48:52 10:52 
   56   1/1    M1214    12    60 Lucas Tetu                  Walpole NH                48:58 10:53 
   57   5/8    F1519    18    19 Katelyn Harvey              Wilmot NH                 49:29 11:00 
   58   5/11   F4049    47   229 Marsha Kavanagh             Durham NH                 49:39 11:02 
   59  12/19   M4049    40    10 Joshua Dikeman              Springfield VT            49:42 11:03 
   60   6/11   F4049    44     3 Lynne Bartlett              Elkins NH                 49:53 11:06 
   61   7/11   F4049    43    32 Marina McNaughton           Springfield VT            50:16 11:11 
   62  13/19   M4049    47    93 Bryon MacSweeney            Hudson NH                 50:24 11:12 
   63   3/5    F2029    26   251 Gretchen Schissel           Newport NH                50:47 11:18 
   64   4/7    F5059    53   220 Meghan Picone               Ashburnham MA             51:30 11:27 
   65  14/19   M4049    49   222 Chris Martin                Grantham NH               51:35 11:28 
   66   5/7    F5059    51    54 Michelle Roy                Goshen NH                 51:36 11:28 
   67   8/11   F4049    47    29 Charmaine Martin            Grantham NH               51:46 11:31 
   68  11/12   M5059    50    98 Jesse Tyler                 Sunapee NH                51:51 11:32 
   69   6/8    F1519    15   246 Jane Bartlett               New London NH             51:55 11:33 
   70   2/3    F0111    11   241 Ellis Sprague               New London NH             54:59 12:14 
   71   9/11   F4049    48    55 Francine Scheller           Grantham NH               55:46 12:24 
   72   6/7    F5059    51    17 Laurie Hanks                Grantham NH               55:46 12:24 
   73   7/7    F5059    51   225 Holly Wilkinson             Norwich VT                55:47 12:24 
   74   7/8    F1519    15   249 Ruby Denning                Andover NH                57:16 12:44 
   75   8/8    F1519    15   248 Hayden Kidder               Andover NH                57:16 12:44 
   76   1/1    F6069    68    13 Debra Fortier               Concord NH                57:34 12:48 
   77   4/5    F2029    27    97 Sara Taylor                 West Henrietta NY         57:36 12:48 
   78   3/3    F3039    31    82 Amy Scott                   Chester NH                57:38 12:49 
   79  12/12   M5059    57    43 Charles Morgan              Lebanon NH                59:09 13:09 
   80  15/19   M4049    40    53 Josh Robert                 Hillsboro NH            1:01:26 13:39 
   81  10/11   F4049    41     4 Leah Belanger               Hillsboro NH            1:01:27 13:40 
   82  16/19   M4049    43    31 Nathan McNaughton           Springfield VT          1:02:02 13:48 
   83   4/5    M6069    65    15 Kris Garnjost               Windsor VT              1:02:12 13:50 
   84   2/2    M7099    75    70 Fred Heineman               Sunapee NH              1:03:27 14:06 
   85   5/5    F2029    24     6 Grace Chin                  Springfield VT          1:06:15 14:44 
   86   2/3    M0111     8   244 Baxter Whitmoyer            Sunapee NH              1:06:18 14:44 
   87   3/3    M0111     6   243 Patrick Whitmoyer           Sunapee NH              1:06:40 14:49 
   88   4/4    M3039    36   245 Dan Whitmoyer               Sunapee NH              1:06:41 14:50 
   89   5/5    M6069    67   250 Larry Schissel              Newport NH              1:07:29 15:00 
   90  17/19   M4049    40   242 David Van Uetzen            Amherst NH              1:14:46 16:37 
   91  11/11   F4049    44   252 Ania Hannen                 Hanover NH              1:15:43 16:50 
   92  18/19   M4049    43    18 Tim Hannan                  Hanover NH              1:15:45 16:50 
   93   3/3    F0111    11    65 Maired Christopherd         Winchester MA           1:16:28 17:00 
   94  19/19   M4049    47    64 Chael Christopher           Winchester MA           1:16:38 17:02 
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