Pinnacle TimingDownriver Rail Run 10K overall - 2021Pinnacle Timing Logo
Downriver Rail Run 10K overall - 2021
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Age Groups
                          Downriver Rail Run 10K
                           NH Grand Prix Series
Sept 25, 2021            Point to Point                 Endfield NH to Lebanon, NH
Presented by Lebanon Recreation & Parks            Results:

                       *****  OVERALL RESULTS  *****

Place Div/Tot  Div     Age Race# Name                        Hometown                Club  Time    Pace     
===== ======== ======= === ===== =========================== ======================= ===== ======= ===== 
    1   1/4    M2029    26   126 Jacob Wormald               Nashua NH               GCS     33:56  5:28 
    2   2/4    M2029    25    42 Alex Gottlieb               Norwich VT                      33:57  5:28 
    3   1/8    M3039    31    27 Kyle Dunn                   Lebanon NH              UVRC    34:22  5:32 
    4   1/16   M4049    41     6 Jotham Burnett              Canaan NH               UVRC    36:01  5:48 
    5   3/4    M2029    20    21 Michael Del Sesto           East Greenwich RI               36:59  5:58 
    6   2/8    M3039    39    40 Corey Girard                Pembroke NH             GCS     37:11  5:59 
    7   2/16   M4049    46    15 Jimmie Cochran              Derry NH                GDTC    37:34  6:03 
    8   1/17   M5059    56    91 Brian Ruhm                  Hollis NH               GCS     38:14  6:10 
    9   3/8    M3039    39   115 Isaac Trudeau               Lebanon NH                      38:45  6:15 
   10   3/16   M4049    49     5 Tyler Brannen               Nashua NH               GCS     39:08  6:18 
   11   4/8    M3039    38    51 Kyle James                  Norwich VT                      39:21  6:20 
   12   2/17   M5059    54    17 Mark Crane                  Nashua NH               GCS     39:45  6:24 
   13   4/4    M2029    21    49 Nate Houston                Lexington MA                    40:17  6:29 
   14   1/6    F3039    34   112 Hannah Taska                West Lebanon NH         UVRC    40:34  6:32 
   15   2/6    F3039    34   120 Gabriela Webber             Londonderry NH          GCS     40:36  6:32 
   16   4/16   M4049    49   131 Andrew Jones                Enfield NH                      41:13  6:38 
   17   3/17   M5059    50    24 Geoff Dunbar                Hanover NH              UVRC    41:32  6:41 
   18   5/16   M4049    43    50 Eric James                  Lebanon NH                      41:56  6:45 
   19   1/8    M6069    62     9 Charlie Buttrey             East Thetford VT        UVRC    42:04  6:47 
   20   1/1    F2029    21    62 Samantha Locke              Hanover NH                      42:25  6:50 
   21   4/17   M5059    54   104 Kent Sirimoglu              Nashua NH               GCS     42:31  6:51 
   22   5/17   M5059    51     4 Andrew Bragg                Pepperell MA            GCS     42:31  6:51 
   23   3/6    F3039    30    26 Danielle Dunn               Lebanon NH              UVRC    43:45  7:03 
   24   6/17   M5059    56    82 Kevin Pascoe                Wilmot NH                       43:59  7:05 
   25   7/17   M5059    57   121 James Westrich              Norwich VT              UVRC    44:37  7:11 
   26   1/12   F5059    57    71 Pam Moore                   Grantham NH             UVRC    44:52  7:14 
   27   1/17   F4049    48   122 Jill Whitney                Nashua NH               GCS     45:13  7:17 
   28   2/8    M6069    60    72 Tom Moore                   Grantham NH                     45:15  7:17 
   29   8/17   M5059    51    14 Emmet Clifford              Dunstable MA            GCS     45:19  7:18 
   30   6/16   M4049    49    88 Scott Reiff                 Windham NH              GDTC    45:43  7:22 
   31   3/8    M6069    66   119 Peter Wasylak               Dunstable MA            MILL    45:54  7:24 
   32   7/16   M4049    49    31 Jason Faris                 Hanover NH                      46:09  7:26 
   33   8/16   M4049    48     1 James Aiken                 Manchester NH           GDTC    46:33  7:30 
   34   9/16   M4049    46    92 Scott M. Sanders            Hanover NH              UVRC    47:35  7:40 
   35   1/2    M0114    12    98 Yuvraj Sathe                West Lebanon NH                 47:37  7:40 
   36  10/16   M4049    49    94 John Saroyan                Norwich VT                      47:44  7:41 
   37   9/17   M5059    52    63 Todd MacKenzie              Norwich VT                      47:45  7:42 
   38  10/17   M5059    52    83 Scott Pauw                  Hanover NH                      47:52  7:43 
   39   1/13   F6069    60    87 Laurie Reed                 Lebanon NH              UVRC    48:21  7:47 
   40   5/8    M3039    37    99 Ryan Scelza                 Quechee VT                      48:23  7:48 
   41   2/13   F6069    64   106 Donna Smyers                Adamant VT              UVRC    48:57  7:53 
   42   3/13   F6069    65    37 Lynn-Marie Fawcett          Chester NH              GDTC    49:46  8:01 
   43   2/2    M0114    14    95 Dev Sathe                   West Lebanon NH                 50:17  8:06 
   44   2/17   F4049    45     7 Yukiko Burnett              Canaan NH               UVRC    50:21  8:07 
   45  11/16   M4049    47   125 Sean Wolfe                  Lebanon NH                      50:27  8:08 
   46   3/17   F4049    40   130 Madeline Bothe              Norwich VT              UVRC    50:48  8:11 
   47   2/12   F5059    55   129 Melissa Wu                  Nashua NH               GCS     51:16  8:15 
   48  11/17   M5059    56    36 Keith Farren                Manchester NH           MILL    51:38  8:19 
   49   4/13   F6069    67    70 Lorraine McPhillips         Bethlehem NH            MILL    52:09  8:24 
   50   1/1    F0114    13    33 Megan Faris                 Hanover NH                      52:17  8:25 
   51   4/17   F4049    43    57 Kirsten Kortz               Hampstead NH            GDTC    52:25  8:27 
   52   6/8    M3039    35    28 Michael Elliott             Goffstown NH            GDTC    52:28  8:27 
   53   3/12   F5059    52    48 Cari Hoglund                Londonderry NH          GDTC    52:30  8:27 
   54   5/17   F4049    44     8 Elizabeth Busteed           Derry NH                GDTC    52:43  8:29 
   55   1/6    M7099    72   116 John Valentine              Roxbury VT              UVRC    52:57  8:32 
   56  12/16   M4049    43    68 Matthew Maughan             Lebanon NH                      54:03  8:42 
   57   4/8    M6069    64    59 Tim Leonard                 Wilder VT                       54:05  8:43 
   58   5/8    M6069    63    16 Bruce Conti                 Nashua NH               GCS     54:16  8:44 
   59   4/12   F5059    57   110 Celeste St Pierre           Lincoln NH                      54:21  8:45 
   60  13/16   M4049    46    44 Gabe Grout                  Woodstock VT                    54:29  8:46 
   61   6/17   F4049    41   127 Karen Wright                South Strafford VT              54:36  8:48 
   62   7/8    M3039    34    58 Daniel Kromer               Lebanon NH                      54:46  8:49 
   63   5/12   F5059    53    89 Lisa Reilly                 Nashua NH               GCS     55:03  8:52 
   64  12/17   M5059    53    55 Nissanka Kiridena           West Lebanon NH                 56:04  9:02 
   65   6/8    M6069    66    69 Patrick McCabe              West Lebanon NH         UVRC    56:09  9:03 
   66  13/17   M5059    58   132 James Scott King            Lebanon NH              UVRC    56:14  9:03 
   67   6/12   F5059    59    93 Denise Sarnie               Windham NH              GDTC    56:28  9:06 
   68   7/17   F4049    47    32 Katie Faris                 Hanover NH                      56:33  9:07 
   69  14/17   M5059    59    77 John Murphy                 Grantham NH                     56:41  9:08 
   70   4/6    F3039    34    35 Anne Farrell                Lebanon NH              UVRC    56:41  9:08 
   71   5/6    F3039    32    30 Kristen Esty                Hartford VT                     56:56  9:10 
   72  14/16   M4049    45    29 Amos Esty                   Hartford VT                     56:57  9:10 
   73   7/12   F5059    50    60 Peggy Leva                  Lebanon NH                      56:59  9:11 
   74   8/17   F4049    48   109 Bonnie Soule                Manchester NH                   56:59  9:11 
   75   7/8    M6069    66   108 Gary Somogie                North Andover MA        GDTC    57:14  9:13 
   76   5/13   F6069    61    86 Marggie Quinn               Hudson NH               GDTC    57:24  9:15 
   77   9/17   F4049    46   124 Chris Wolfe                 Lebanon NH                      58:09  9:22 
   78   1/2    F7099    72    54 Aline Kenney                Nashua NH               GCS     58:11  9:22 
   79   8/8    M3039    35   134 Levi Huish                  Lebanon NH                      58:47  9:28 
   80   6/6    F3039    36     2 Jacqueleen Albanese         White River Junction VT         59:04  9:31 
   81  15/17   M5059    50   102 Ajay Singh                  Hanover NH                      59:07  9:31 
   82  10/17   F4049    48    10 Priscilla Camarda           Derry NH                GDTC    59:12  9:32 
   83   6/13   F6069    65    81 Marie Parizo                Quechee VT                      59:38  9:36 
   84   7/13   F6069    63    80 Connie Nolan                Windham NH              GDTC  1:00:09  9:41 
   85  11/17   F4049    46   123 Amy Willey                  White River Junction VT       1:00:17  9:43 
   86   8/12   F5059    58    64 Kristen MacWilliams         Nashua NH               GCS   1:00:38  9:46 
   87   8/13   F6069    69    18 Merill Creagh               Montpelier VT                 1:00:40  9:46 
   88   2/6    M7099    81    76 Bob Murphy                  Barre VT                      1:00:52  9:48 
   89   2/2    F7099    76    41 Elizabeth Gonnerman         Hanover NH              UVRC  1:00:53  9:48 
   90  12/17   F4049    46   103 Neetu Singh                 Hanover NH                    1:01:15  9:52 
   91   8/8    M6069    65   136 Matthew Locker              Lebanon NH              UVRC  1:01:41  9:56 
   92  13/17   F4049    46    85 Kelli Pippin                West Lebanon NH               1:02:18 10:02 
   93   3/6    M7099    74   113 Peter Terry                 Bradford VT                   1:02:33 10:04 
   94   9/13   F6069    60   137 Ellen Chandler              New London NH           UVRC  1:02:46 10:06 
   95  10/13   F6069    65   107 Bev Somogie                 N Andover MA            GDTC  1:02:54 10:08 
   96  14/17   F4049    42    19 Emily Cunha                 Merrimack NH            GCS   1:02:58 10:08 
   97  15/16   M4049    43    97 Sunil Sathe                 West Lebanon NH               1:04:30 10:23 
   98  16/16   M4049    47    53 Deepak Karanwal             Lebanon NH                    1:06:04 10:38 
   99  16/17   M5059    57    74 Charles Morgan              Lebanon NH                    1:06:26 10:42 
  100  11/13   F6069    63   128 Nancy Wright                South Strafford VT            1:06:39 10:44 
  101  15/17   F4049    44    61 Johanna Lisle Newbold       Nashua NH               GCS   1:07:05 10:48 
  102  16/17   F4049    41    96 Nupur Sathe                 West Lebanon NH         UVRC  1:07:08 10:49 
  103   9/12   F5059    56    13 Diane Clifford              Dunstable MA            GCS   1:07:51 10:56 
  104  12/13   F6069    63   105 Jane Slayton                Andover NH              MILL  1:11:49 11:34 
  105  13/13   F6069    67    45 Gene Elizabeth Harkless     Alton NH                      1:12:11 11:37 
  106  17/17   F4049    41    56 Vasanta Lakshmi Kommineni   Grantham NH                   1:12:19 11:39 
  107  17/17   M5059    58   100 Paul Schofield              Hampstead NH            GDTC  1:13:16 11:48 
  108  10/12   F5059    56   111 Carey Stillman              Lebanon NH                    1:15:33 12:10 
  109   4/6    M7099    78   133 Michael Gonnerman           Hanover NH              UVRC  1:17:24 12:28 
  110  11/12   F5059    53    90 Christine Rosenwasser       Derry NH                GDTC  1:18:41 12:40 
  111   5/6    M7099    76     3 Raymond Boutotte            Pepperell MA            GCS   1:19:44 12:50 
  112  12/12   F5059    58   135 Catherine Schneider         Lebanon NH              UVRC  1:22:27 13:17 
  113   6/6    M7099    75    75 Charles Morganson           Derry NH                GDTC  1:22:43 13:19 
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